Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Blues, The Blahs and Depression: Tested Ways to Help Yourself Escape the Downs

Released in September of 2002, Susan Buckner's audiobook "The Blues, the Blahs and Depression" is a user-friendly, sympathetic CD, designed to help the listener make their way out of depression's grasp.

Ms. Buckner has suffered through her own spells of depression, and offers these techniques, which have helped her recover from one of the most common yet baffling mental illnesses in the world today. She credits her family, physicians and faith for helping her through the rough spots. She's delighted to be able to offer others the tips she searched for all her life.

Her easy-to-understand, upbeat CD can be listened to in the car, while relaxing at home, or anywhere one might be interested. It can be purchased at the low-cost Drive2Learn website.

For information about antidepressant moclobemide comments, visit http://yourdepressioninfo.com/antidepressantmoclobemidecomments/

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